My gums are swollen
Characteristics and what to look for:
You may notice that your gum feels puffy around one or more of your teeth. This may be an indication of an infection that is presenting as an abscess. Emergent treatment of this site is necessary to save your tooth or tooth replacement.
Other causes of gum swellings
Dental abscess from broken teeth or teeth with large cavities
Lingering sensitivity to cold or hot foods and pain that wakes you up in the middle of night are good indicators of this. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, consult your dental provider immediately.
Oral pathologies
Swelling of gums may be an indication of a pathology. Sometimes these also present with pain and the moving of teeth. Depending on the diagnosis additional treatment may be needed
Periodontal Abscess
Inflammation from periodontal disease can grow into an abscess on the side of your tooth. If untreated this can cause rapid bone loss and compromise the tooth. Some patients with this experience discomfort upon gentle touching of the area and during chewing. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, consult your dental provider immediately.
Treatment and how we can help:
The most important step in managing these conditions is determining the underlying cause. We will work alongside your main dental provider to help get you out of pain and increase your comfort. In all cases, a swelling around the gums is a dental emergency and should be treated as such. Dr. Dempsey will work with you to determine the cause and best treatment for your discomfort.
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