Oral cancer screening and biopsy
According to Oral Cancer Foundation 54,000 Americans were diagnosed with oral cancer in this year alone. Of these 54,000 only 57% will have a survival period of greater than 5 years.
Fortunately, oral cancer can be readily detected during an exam and is much easier to manage if diagnosed early. We understand the paramount role that we as dental professionals play in early diagnosis of oral cancers and how this relates to greater management success rates for our patients.
At every visit to our office you will receive a complementary oral cancer screening.
What to expect during your oral cancer screening?
The examination is completely painless and part of it may be likened to a facial massage. Dr. Dempsey will look for abnormalities and feel the face and glands for any irregularities or unusual bumps. He will also look inside your mouth for any red or white patches, ulcerated tissues or bleeding sores that may be signs of cancerous changes. Prior to the examination, please tell us if you have any areas of concern or noticed anything different in your head or neck area.
If any areas of concern are identified, a treatment plan will be implemented that is right for you. Depending on the indication, the area may require treatment such as a biopsy, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy.
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