Pocket reduction
Pocket reduction is a common and effective method of managing periodontal disease. In periodontal disease bacteria create small craters in your bone and reshape it from a smooth bone into a rough jagged surface. This prevents your gum from laying tightly next to the bone, resulting in persistently deep pockets. Pocket reduction is a process in which we smooth out the rough bone to create a shape that is favorable to health.
Our Goals for YOU!
Increased tooth stability
Destruction from periodontal disease can lead to bone loss around the teeth. If untreated the teeth may become unsupported, mobile and need to be removed.
Improved systemic health
Bacteria from periodontal disease can spread to other organ systems and impact your systemic health. This is especially important for patients with diabetes as periodontal bacteria have been shown to negatively affect diabetic control
Improved effectiveness of your home care routine
When the bone is rough, it makes it impossible to remove the bacteria with normal brushing and flossing. Reducing the pocket makes it easier to brush, floss and maintain healthy gums.
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